winter birds in middle tennessee - Mid-TN Pets Magazine

Written by: Bren Parker

northern mockingbird - Mid-TN Pets Magazine

Northern Cardinal

northern cardinal bird
blue jay bird - nashville  pet magazine

Description: The Carolina Wren is a small, energetic bird with a loud, distinctive “teakettle-teakettle-teakettle” song. Its rusty brown feathers and white eyebrows make it easy to identify to even the casual birdwatcher.

tufted titmouse

Northern Flicker

Common Grackle Bird

Seasonal Visitors

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

White-throated Sparrow

dark eyed junco bird

Common Redpoll

american tree sparrow

Rusty Blackbird

Pine Siskin

Attract Wintering Birds to Your Yard

1. Provide Food

bird at feeder

2. Water Source

3. Create Shelter

bird shelter

4. Plant Winter-Resilient Plants

5. Avoid Harsh Chemicals

6. Place Feeders Strategically

7. Offer Natural Insect Sources

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